Last modified: May 15, 2012
1 - Summary
2 - Dependencies
3 - Apcupsd installation
4 - Service configuration
5 - Apcaccess example
6 - Website status
7 - Service check
1 - Summary
This guide will show you how to install apcupsd in pfSense. Apcupsd is used for
power management and controlling of APC UPS's. This has been tested in pfSense
2.0.1 i386.
2 - Dependencies
Log into the pfSense website. Navigate to the System menu, then click on
Advanced. Click on the box next to Enable Secure Shell. Click on Save at the
bottom of the page.
Make sure that msmtp with TLS is already copied in and configured. Msmtp is an
SMTP client used to send email We will use it to send email notifications.
SSH in as the admin user and select option 8 to get to the shell. Add the
following to the tcsh profile file.
setenv PACKAGESITE`uname -m`/\
# cd ~
# cp /etc/skel/dot.tcshrc /etc/skell/dot.tcshrc.example
# vi /etc/skel/dot.tcshrc
# cp /etc/skel/dot.tcshrc /root/.tcshrc
You will also need some information about the UPS and the UPS cable.
Model number
UPS cable type
The serial port or USB ports will need to be enabled in the BIOS of the
computer. You can find out the serial port or USB port information by typing
out the following. In FreeBSD 8.1 uart is used instead of sio.
# dmesg | grep -E "(sio[0-9]|uart[0-9]|American Power Conversion)"
uart0: <16550 or compatible> port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 flags 0x10 on acpi0
uart0: [FILTER]
In this case we are using the serial port.
3 - Apcupsd installation
Install the apcupsd package.
# pkg_add -r apcupsd
4 - Service configuration
Find where the apcupsd daemon was installed to.
# pkg_info -L apcupsd-* | grep sbin
Edit /etc/rc so that the apcupsd service will start when the system starts up.
Add the following after the line with /etc/rc.start_packages.
echo -n 'Starting custom applications:'
echo -n ' apcupsd'; /usr/local/sbin/apcupsd --kill-on-powerfail
echo '.'
# cp /etc/rc /etc/rc.original
# vi /etc/rc
Find where the configuration file should be put.
# strings /usr/local/sbin/apcupsd | grep apcupsd.conf
Cannot perform killpower without authentication data. Please set ip:user:pass for \
DEVICE in apcupsd.conf.
## apcupsd.conf v1.1 ##
You can modify the apccontrol script to send email notifications for different
UPS events.
# pkg_info -L apcupsd-* | grep apccontrol
# cp /usr/local/etc/apcupsd/apccontrol /usr/local/etc/apcupsd/apccontrol.example
# vi /usr/local/etc/apcupsd/apccontrol
You can create your own configuration file. Here is a simple example. This
uses an APC UPS 940-0024C serial cable. In FreeBSD /dev/cuau0 is used instead
of /dev/cuad0.
## apcupsd.conf v1.1 ##
UPSCABLE 940-0024C
UPSTYPE apcsmart
DEVICE /dev/cuau0
LOCKFILE /var/spool/lock
UPSCLASS standalone
UPSMODE disable
# pkg_info -L apcupsd-* | grep apcupsd.conf
# cp /usr/local/etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf.sample /usr/local/etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf
# cp /usr/local/etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf /usr/local/etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf.example
# vi /usr/local/etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf
Start the apcupsd service.
# /usr/local/sbin/apcupsd --kill-on-powerfail
# cat /var/run/
5 - Apcaccess example
This command prints the UPS model number, software version, status, load
percentage, battery charge and other information.
# /usr/local/sbin/apcaccess status localhost
APC : 001,050,1208
DATE : 2012-05-15 16:45:30 -0500
VERSION : 3.14.8 (16 January 2010) freebsd
CABLE : APC Cable 940-0024C
MODEL : Smart-UPS 750
UPSMODE : Stand Alone
STARTTIME: 2012-05-15 16:45:14 -0500
LINEV : 120.9 Volts
LOADPCT : 21.4 Percent Load Capacity
BCHARGE : 100.0 Percent
TIMELEFT : 50.0 Minutes
MBATTCHG : 10 Percent
MINTIMEL : 5 Minutes
MAXTIME : 0 Seconds
MAXLINEV : 120.9 Volts
MINLINEV : 120.2 Volts
OUTPUTV : 120.9 Volts
SENSE : High
DWAKE : 000 Seconds
DSHUTD : 090 Seconds
DLOWBATT : 02 Minutes
LOTRANS : 106.0 Volts
HITRANS : 127.0 Volts
RETPCT : 000.0 Percent
ITEMP : 30.1 C Internal
ALARMDEL : 5 seconds
BATTV : 27.5 Volts
LINEFREQ : 60.0 Hz
LASTXFER : Line voltage notch or spike
TONBATT : 0 seconds
CUMONBATT: 0 seconds
STESTI : 336
STATFLAG : 0x07000008 Status Flag
REG1 : 0x00 Register 1
REG2 : 0x00 Register 2
REG3 : 0x00 Register 3
MANDATE : 07/15/09
SERIALNO : AS0929141177
BATTDATE : 07/15/09
NOMOUTV : 120 Volts
NOMBATTV : 24.0 Volts
FIRMWARE : 651.18.D
END APC : 2012-05-15 16:46:08 -0500
6 - Website status
Make the following changes to be able to view the apcupsd status on the pfSense
website. Create the following page that displays the results of the apcaccess
status command.
$pgtitle = array(gettext("Status: Apcupsd"));
$apcaccess = "/usr/local/sbin/apcaccess";
pre {
border: 2px solid #435370;
background: #F0F0F0;
padding: 1em;
font-family: courier new, courier;
white-space: pre;
line-height: 10pt;
font-size: 10pt;
$shell_output = array();
$output = exec($apcaccess ." status localhost", $shell_output);
echo "<pre>".implode($shell_output, '<br/>')."</pre>";
# vi /usr/local/www/status_apcupsd.php
Modify the following include file to have the following.
$status_menu[] = array("Apcupsd", "/status_apcupsd.php");
# cp /usr/local/www/ /usr/local/www/
# vi /usr/local/www/
Here is what the new menu looks like. Under the Status menu, click on Apcupsd.
The status page shows the output from apcaccess.
7 - Service check
Reboot your computer. SSH in as the admin user and select option 8 to get to
the shell. Check to see that the apcupsd service is running. That's is, now
you have apcupsd running in pfSense.
# shutdown -r now
# cat /var/run/