Last modified: May 17, 2012
1 - Summary
2 - Dependencies
3 - Softflowd installation
4 - Service configuration
5 - Service check
1 - Summary
This guide will show you how to install softflowd in pfSense. Softflowd is used
to export flow-based network traffic in netflow format. In this example, the
netflow data was exported to another server running nfsen. This has been tested
in pfSense 2.0.1 i386.
2 - Dependencies
Log into the pfSense website. Navigate to the System menu, then click on
Advanced. Click on the box next to Enable Secure Shell. Click on Save at the
bottom of the page.
SSH in as the admin user and select option 8 to get to the shell. Add the
following to the tcsh profile file.
setenv PACKAGESITE`uname -m`/\
# cd ~
# cp /etc/skel/dot.tcshrc /etc/skell/dot.tcshrc.example
# vi /etc/skel/dot.tcshrc
# cp /etc/skel/dot.tcshrc /root/.tcshrc
3 - Softflowd installation
Install the softflowd package.
# pkg_add -r softflowd
4 - Service configuration
Find where the apcupsd daemon was installed to.
# pkg_info -L softflowd-* | grep sbin
Edit /etc/rc so that the softflowd service will start when the system starts
up. Add the following after the line with /etc/rc.start_packages. Netflow
version 5 has been chosen as there is a bug in softflowd affecting exporting of
netflow version 9 flows. The bug in netflow version 9 shows the incorrect date
and time.
echo -n 'Starting custom applications:'
echo -n ' softflowd'; /usr/local/sbin/softflowd -v 5 -i interface -n x.x.x.x:port
echo '.'
# cp /etc/rc /etc/rc.original
# vi /etc/rc
Start the softflowd service.
# /usr/local/sbin/softflowd -v 5 -i interface -n x.x.x.x:port
# cat /var/run/
5 - Service check
Reboot your computer. SSH in as the admin user and select option 8 to get to
the shell. Check to see that the softflowd service is running. That's is, now
you have softflowd running in pfSense.
# shutdown -r now
# cat /var/run/